ABCSetup.TXT: This file contains: Threed.VBX MMSystem.DLL which can (and should) be moved to the Windows system directory (Usually C:\Windows\System) To run Multi-Media Alphabet you must have the following: MS Windows ver 3.1+ VBRUN300.DLL (a file available from most any online service that distributes Windows shareware, this should be put in your Windows System dir.) Pointing device. (a mouse) VGA or better moniter is preferred Sound Card and Drive is preferred To change the sound files to your own: Record your sound files using your recording software. Edit them as closely as you can to keep the sizes as small as possible Rename the files respectively; For A, name the File "KA.WAV" For B, name the file "KB.WAV" and so on. Move these files to the directory that MM-Alpha.EXE is in. PLEASE! IF YOU CHANGE THE FILES TO YOUR OWN VOICES DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THEM I CAN IN NO WAY SUPPORT ANY SOFTWARE NOT USING THE WAV FILES I HAVE SENT. THE SAFEST WAY TO DISTRIBUTE THIS SOFTWARE (which is not only OK, but requested) IS TO DISTRIBUTE ONLY THE ORIGINAL ZIP FILE. This is possible, but trust me it takes a long time, and a lot of patience. MM_Alpha.WRI contains information on the possiblility of personalised versions.